I'm sure there are plenty of blogs out there you could be reading. Makeup junkies like myself scour the web for all things beauty related. Maybe I haven't been looking hard enough, but I don't see many beauty blogs for women of color. Or maybe I'm not looking hard enough because I'm afraid, I'll find a blog that is exactly what I want my blog to be or better, get discouraged, and give up. I'm not letting myself off the hook this time!
After seeing a feature story in Allure Magazine about popular beauty blogs, I thought, "Hey! I can do that!" Most of the time, when I think that thought, I never actually...do anything about it. So now I am.
A little background on me. I'm a (recently) single, African American woman living in New York City. I'm 33 years old. I have a full time job in the education industry, and I also do makeup artistry and writing as a hobby. I plan to one day make makeup and writing something that takes up more of my time - and actually pays my bills, but until I get up the chutzpah to moon my bosses and walk out the door, I'll be writing my thoughts and feelings on makeup and beauty products for brown people like me right here!
My makeup Philosophy - less is more.
I haven't completely fleshed out how I'm going to format each post, or how often I'm going to post but I do know I'll be sharing with you:
- My favorite products
- Product reviews
- Any beauty news as it relates to women of color
- Anything else about me and my quest to make beauty & writing a real career
Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for reading and...well.. that's all!
Beana has a blog! I really like the sound of "beanablog".
Love the title of the blog! One thing I would love to see addressed is just what the blog title says - beauty for BROWN people! So often, mainstream magazines do features on makeup that just doesn't apply to US. "Use a tan shadow to contour your eyelids." Um, hello . . . my skin is chocolate, so that advice doesn't do me any good at all! Yay Beana!
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